As I travel along this journey tweaking my own food choices
and helping others I tend to notice a trend – people love to make things too
complicated! While there are some
“hacks” out there and some quick tips that are useful, at the end of the day
your daily routine needs to be simple.
If you overthink your diet/food choices – you’ll end up “giving up” or “giving
in” to food choices that do not support your goals!
Maybe it’s because I am a man, but for me the everyday
choice of what I eat needs to be simple.
If you struggle to decide what to eat every day, or even worse - every
meal - then your brain will go back to autopilot, forgetting about your goals
and default to old habits to make things easy.
We are wired to be simple - our subconscious brain look for
efficiencies. But when the thinking part
comes in (our conscious side) and we think “Hmmm - what should I eat for lunch?
This menu is fabulous! These fried foods look awesome! Oh wait, I am
dieting…change that, let’s look for veggies. But I don’t really like that
veggie. Is fried avocado a veggie?” ….and on and on - Get the point!
- Plan ahead - make up your mind about your goals.
- Pack a lunch the night before.
- Lay out your breakfast foods ahead of time.
You will find that the right choice eventually becomes the
easy choice and then it gets wired into the subconscious. This is how we can make the seemingly
complicated choice easy!
I know it sounds like a lot of work, but I can tell you from
firsthand experience that if you do this, in a few weeks, it becomes a habit
and you really do not have to think much about it.
Decide now what is important to you. Is it French fries, diet coke and a burger? Or is it a trim lean-looking body that is full
of health and vitality because you chose to eat healthy?
In the end, eating real food as close to Mother Nature will
always be best. It’s really hard to go
wrong when eating real food.
Good luck and let me know how I can help you be a happier
healthier you!