When I decided to run my first marathon in 14 years, it was because
I wanted to see if I could do it again.
After running my last marathon in 98, I dropped out of the sport and kinda
just let life happen. I went to work for
IBM, I started traveling, the kids were getting older and I started
coaching. Could I have kept running, sure
I could, but I chose not too and got lazy when it came to taking care of me.
Once I decided to run the Dallas Marathon in 2012, things
started to change. I was even more
focused on my health (I had already lost 50lbs) and I got very excited when I completed
distance landmarks during my training.
Since that race in December, (I ran faster than my very
first Marathon in 95) I decided that I wanted to see if I could run a 50K Race
(31 miles). Since I wanted to keep travel
cost low, I decided I am going to run the Fort Worth Cowtown 50K in February. But wait, I just ran a summer Marathon (I PR’ed
that race), and I have the San Antonio Rock and Roll and the Dallas Marathon to run beforehand! Is this crazy? Maybe, but why not. What I am finding is with proper training and
good nutrition; your body can do almost anything!
I see others around me doing Triathlons and Cycling but that
is just not for me. I do not have that
burning desire to do anything but run.
While I do enjoy lifting weights and adding in the extra cardio at the
gym, running is my thing for sure!
I like to follow athletes like Rich Roll, Scott Jurek, Dean
Karnazes, Vinnie Tortorich and Jeff Galloway.
These athletes have accomplished some amazing adventures and truly
inspire me.
I often hear endurance athletes talk about how running long distances
makes them feel alive! In this convenient
world we live in there are very few things that truly challenge us physically. I think it is the call to do something
outdoors that takes great endurance and mental toughness to see it though that
makes us feel like we have accomplished something.
While I love driving fast cars and jumping off 118 story buildings,
those things are short lived. In 30
seconds or 10 minutes they are done. Running
however takes time, it is a lifelong journey, a commitment to a goal that can
only be achieved through hard work and dedication.
Why I am not encouraging everyone to join the ranks of a Marathon
runner, I do encourage you to find your passion, find that one thing that makes
you get up and head out the door with the energy of an energizer battery. This is what makes us strong and better human